Introduction to Media Studies (MCA 10100) surveys the history and development of modern mass media channels. There is an emphasis on recognizing one is not a passive consumer of media, but to varying degrees an active participant. Additional discussions will focus on theories of communication, and philosophical and legal issues at a time when we find ourselves a still mostly new and unknown age where information is being transformed from ephemeral to eternal. Primary text is Media Now. Understanding Media, Culture and Technology.
Business Writing (ENW 300) will improve writing skills needed for a non-academic environment. The course covers the basics of English grammar, and develops process and organizational sills for communicating everything from texts to internal memos to emails to formal business reports to working as part of a group. Primary texts are Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer and Better Business Writing.
Technical Writing (ENW 335) will improve student writing skills, primarily for a business environment. Research, organization, and the need for a thorough editorial process for all written communication is stressed through scenarios that serve as prompts for writings in general and commercial situations, as well as the process of generating texts that explain complex technological, scientific, economic, and other matters to experts and lay people clearly and with authority. Primary text is The Essentials of Technical Communication.