Bozo the Clown: An Icon as American as an Apple Pie in the Face (CUNY Academic Works)
Teaching a Course as a Narrative Arc, Faculty Focus, Aug. 31, 2022
Grading and Chaos Theory: Frustrations and Exhilarations of Parsing Motivating Factors, Faculty Focus, May 26, 2021
Will My Students Learn Better If I am a Monkey Wrench in the System or a Cog, Adjunct Nation, Dec. 19, 2019.
The Great Librarian Roundtable, Easy Street Magazine, Sept. 24, 2017.
Horatio Alger’s Road to Riches, Easy Street Magazine, June 10, 2015.
A Dissent On Teaching Huckleberry Finn, Education Week/Teacher, July 2013.
Critics Lambasted Zane Grey, but His Millions of Readers Couldn’t Care Less, Wild West Magazine, Dec. 1994
Remembered, Yet Forgotten: The Writer’s Life of John Tunis, Los Angeles Times Book Review, June 30, 1991
Additional writings can be found at